Scoliosis Flow with Sam From Reaurum

June is Scoliosis Awareness Month! If you’ve been here for a while, you may know that I have scoliosis and underwent a spinal fusion in December 2000. You can read more about my journey and my curves here. 

To celebrate Scoliosis Awareness Month, I teamed up with Sam from Reaurum. Sam is a wellness coach, so she knows a lot more about movement than I do. We put together a super simple 6-step flow to help strengthen and stabilize the core and back. PLUS it feels so good.


A few of our goals for movement with scoliosis are to:

  • Improve posture

  • Improve muscle strength

  • Improve functionality and mobility

  • Reduce pain, if present

I have to stretch and move regularly throughout the day or my back gets really stiff. I love this flow because it’s easy and can be done in a short amount of time. It helps increase my mobility and gets me through the afternoon. This is a great flow for my back brace sisters and regular back peeps too! You don’t have to have scoliosis to feel the energizing benefits of this flow.


Disclaimer: Scoliosis comes in many shapes, sizes and severities. These exercises are a general guide. 

Let’s get started!

Practice each pose 3-5 times, and move to the next until finished. You can refer to the pictures below to see what these poses look like. You can also refer to Q, my mat thief. <3

  • Bridge: Activates and strengthens glutes and hamstrings

  • Ab Press: Improves core strength and stability

  • Figure Four: Promotes flexibility and mobility in the hips and glutes

  • Side Bend: Stretches the latissimus dorsi and quadratus lumborum (back muscles)

  • Bird Dog: Stabilizes the core through full body coordination

  • Thread the Needle: Opens up the chest, shoulders and neck

Sam is wonderful! She’s an experienced and knowledgeable wellness coach. From meal plans to daily fitness coaching, she’s your gal. 

Hello to the Always and Whatever community, Sam here! I am a health & wellness coach and owner of Reaurum. I hold a BS in chemistry, a BA in dance, and also have a background in personal training and Pilates. All of these come together to make up the foundation for Reaurum! I offer personalized 1:1 coaching, a monthly home workout membership, and post wellness tips on Instagram every single week. You can find me on Instagram @reaurum and shoot me a message anytime to book a consultation (even just to say hi!). 

While the weather in nice, you can also find Sam leading a 60-minute movement session on Sundays at 9 a.m. in Hyder Park. 

A few facts about scoliosis:

  1. Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine.

  2. It can be mild, moderate, or severe.

  3. It’s the most common spinal abnormality in children.

  4. Females are 8 times more likely to develop scoliosis and require treatment.

  5. Stiff, plastic braces are the most commonly used for treatment, typically worn 23 hours per day. If the curve doesn’t improve with the bracing, then the child may require surgery.

  6. Early detection is key!

My two favorite celebrities with scoliosis are Martha Hunt (supermodel) and Usain Bolt (Olympic runner). One is a woman who confidently shares her curves with the world, and the other is the fastest runner on earth. Pretty freaking cool! They make me feel like I could do anything, despite the fact that I can’t even run to the mailbox without pulling a hammy. LOL 

Hope you have an awesome day! 

Always and Whatever 


P.S. Celebrate those curves more.


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