3 DIY Wire Airplant Holders



For all 3:

Copper wire, 16 or 18 gauge (I used 18 gauge) 

Wire cutters 


Disclaimer: After posting this blog, I was made aware that copper can be toxic to Airplants. I personally have had success with airplants sitting on copper for the last 4 years. BUT that being said, STAINLESS STEEL WIRE is a better option for your plant.

Crystal Wire Holder:

Crystal or rock as base 

Wood block holder: 

Drill with 1/16” drill bit 

Wood glue optional 

Suction window hanger:

Suction cups 

Crystal/Rock Airplant Holder 

Cut about 2 feet of wire. Pick a rock that stands on its own. Put the rock in the middle of wire, keeping one side of the wire straight. This will hold the airplant. Then wrap the other side! You can wrap as many times as you want. I’ve done both simple and complex wraps, and I find that the simple ones stick around longer.

Once you have wrapped your rock the way you want, make a ring with the wire on top for the plant to sit in. When forming the ring, set your airplant on it to make a sure it’s the right size. Then just wrap the excess! SO CUTE! I change out my rocks and crystals all the time. Chris just found this rock and brought it to me. He knows. 

Wood Block Holder 

I bought a pack of these wood blocks to do different crafts with and for the kids! You can do so much with these blocks - a great random craft item to have in your supplies. This isn’t the last time you’ll see them. :) 

Cut about 12 inches of wire. You will want to form the ring on top of the wire before securing the wire in the hole. When forming the ring, set your airplant on it to make a sure it’s the right size. 

Drill a hole halfway down, into the center of the block. You can even drill two if you are feeling cray. Then put a dab of glue on the wire and just stick it into the hole…lol. Sorry, I’m like a 12-year-old boy.

ANYWAY, you can also stain or paint these blocks! The possibilities are endless. 


Window Suction Cup Hanger 

Okay, this one is the simplest, cutest, and most talked about!

Pick a window that doesn’t have direct sunlight shining through. North or south facing windows are best. Cut 12 inches of wire.  Make a little loop on one end of the wire to hook on the suction cup. On the other end, form a ring the size of your airplant.

Since your airplant will be in a bright window spot, you might need a little extra water! So pay attention to her for a little while and watch how she acclimates to her new home. You can do really any length you want. You can see in the bottom left photo that I did one hanger with two plants. If you do that, you have to pay attention to weight and balance or it won’t sit right.

YAY! Get creative. 

suction airplant

I hope these bring you as much joy as they do me. Airplants are the cooooolest. 

Lastly, a couple airplant tips from a desert girl who *may have* killed a couple of them. This plant life is all trial and error for me. Plants die and I learn, plants thrive and I learn! Kinda like parenting. But no one is dying lol. The best advice comes from experience. 

Since I live in New Mexico and it’s a very dry climate, I soak my airplants once a week for 20-30 minutes. I have 7 airplants right now, so I use a large bowl and soak them for a little longer. But if I see that one needs more love than the others, I’ll soak it alone. You can also spray your airplants. That’s a very popular way to water them. But most of mine are next to items I do not want to get wet, so that is why I soak. 

After I soak them, I gently shake off the excess water and set them on a towel to dry before returning them to their homes! They will rot if they stay too moist and don’t get to dry out, so a good dry is very necessary. 

I hope you enjoy!

Always and Whatever



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